5 beautiful portfolio websites from creative directors
by Tobias van Schneider
A creative director's website is the perfect reference for anyone creating a portfolio: They are focused on both beauty and strategy.
To see excellent case studies, strong page design and clean details, view a creative director's portfolio. The creative directors using Semplice may be an exception, however. Semplice seems to draw the best of the best talent, as the following websites demonstrate.
Nikolas Wrobel
Nikolas Wrobel is the creator of Grand Slang, a typeface so lovely, we can't use it without dozens of people asking for its name. Wrobel's website, where he naturally uses custom self-hosted fonts, is equally elegant.
Florian Stumpe's work has a certain optimism about it, which I've come to appreciate through his personal projects and his work with IAM ONO (website also made with Semplice). His portfolio, with video thumbnail hovers and light, editorial typography, suits him well.
We loved the Future Paris website the instant we laid eyes on it. The standout work paired with the Semplice Advanced Portfolio Grid in that typeface, and the four-corner navigation on top of it all? It's like catnip for our Semplice team.
We've mentioned Verena Michelitsch more than once on DESK, and for good reason. She continually refreshes her portfolio with new case studies and the occasional redesign which are always, unsurprisingly, good.
If you don't already know of Ash Thorp, it's time you catch up. His portfolio, with video hovers and wide-screen layouts, sets up his cinematic work well.
The scrolling experience on Marcelo Ribeiro's website makes it memorable. Images and text float into the frame and out as you make your way down the page, lending a dreamy mood to each project.
To see more of the best online portfolios built with Semplice, visit our Semplice Showcase. You can find more of our favorite creative director portfolios on this page.