We've released so many improvements and updates for mymind recently, these are old news by now.
Every week, we handpick two portfolios created with Semplice to feature on our Showcase. These are the best of the best, chosen by yours truly from hundreds of fantastic submissions.
While most of us can’t imagine our lives without it, the internet in its more accessible form is just a few years older than Justin Bieber. The World Wide Web hasn’t been around that long, but it’s come a long way since its inception.
Your life is about to get a whole lot easier.
Over the last couple weeks I’ve been heads down on a lot of work. Existing projects and new ones. In general, I’ve never shied away from work that wasn’t part of my core skillset.
We’ve all come to the point where we’ve had enough. Enough of a specific relationship, job, habit, feeling. The “that’s it” moment, when it feels like something’s gotta change, or you won't be able to go on any longer. So you break the habit you’ve been trying to break. You escape a painful relation
With this latest interview in our Design Around the World series, we're excited to introduce Sweety & Co., a branding studio based in Porto Alegre.
If I’ve learned one thing after working as a designer for almost 15 years, it’s the fact that humans are awesome, but also weird and always surprising. As a designer I’m as fascinated with psychology and social science as I am with design. After all, it’s the mind that shapes our behavior, how we th
I’ve been trying to work remotely (from home, in my case) since the moment I had my first job. I’m not sure why exactly, but I just wasn’t made for the 9 to 5 office life.
I’m a big believer of what I like to call The Pendulum Dynamic. Simply put, many things around us can be explained by the simple movement of a pendulum that swings back and forth. Being an optimist, I believe the pendulum swings back a little harder in the progressive direction every time it recover
As you might know, we launched Semplice in 2014 to build the perfect portfolio tool we always dreamed of. Since then many great designers started using Semplice and I'm always blown away to see what other designers create.
Semplice Supply
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