We've released so many improvements and updates for mymind recently, these are old news by now.
I recently decided to take on a design intern at my company (not the first time, but we don't do it that often). We received hundreds of applications and reviewed every one of them before making a decision.
Four years ago when we hit the launch button on Semplice, I could not have imagined I would be writing this article today. And maybe it is this very attitude that has served us well over the years. We always had dreams, but we managed our expectations carefully.
Every week, we handpick two portfolios created with Semplice to feature in our Showcase. Now we're rounding up our favorite submissions of month.
Our Design Around the World series explores design communities outside our own, introducing us to new creatives and perspectives. With this latest interview meet LIE, an independent graphic design studio based in Kuala Lumpur.
I've recently looked back at my (still fairly short) career, trying to find a pattern in my decision-making and understand exactly what makes me happy.
It’s one of the main challenges I experience with writing. One moment I’m struck with an idea or a revelation, something I feel compelled to write about. The very next moment I think, well, maybe somebody’s already written about this.
With this latest interview in our Design Around the World series, we're excited to feature the awesome Anagrama studio located in Mexico City.
We’ve always said Semplice is made by designers, for designers. But all kinds of creatives use Semplice to showcase their work, including illustrators.
Semplice is made by designers, for designers. Since we founded Semplice four years ago, every day has been about pushing creatives forward with tools that allow them to build beautiful case studies and portfolios.
Every Wednesday, we handpick two online portfolios created with Semplice to feature in our Best Of Showcase. Now we've sharing our favorites from the past month.
Semplice Supply
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