In case you just started as a freelance designer or you’re thinking about going freelance in the future, there are essentially two ways of getting work.
There is something interesting happening to us as we grow older, something that hinders us from personal growth, or limits the ability of companies to ensure constant innovation.
This one time I met a cartoonist who doesn’t know how to draw.
I know this is a little bit of a harsh title and I didn't mean to make it sound that negative, but this topic has been on my head for a while now.
Malika Favre is one of the most genuinely cool people I know. You’ve probably seen her illustrations on the cover of The New Yorker, in Vogue or the New York Times, among many other places.
Society loves to passive aggressively ask you this question everyday. What are you doing with your life? What's your grand plan? (listen to the song I was listening to while writing this article) I’m not a planner. I don’t trust planners and I don’t like
A common question I get asked most from young designers is usually about personal branding. How to promote yourself and your work.
If you're a designer, illustrator or other creative, this article might help you answer this question.
For some reason, when creating our design portfolio, everything we praise about good design seems to be forgotten as we work in perfect isolation.
While I don’t like to consider myself a busy person, I do receive an average of 150 emails a day. And I often have trouble catching up with everyone and getting my work done too.
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