The typical marketing strategy goes like this: Promote yourself and what you offer.
That may be a product, content or your own personal brand. Tell people about it and why it solves a problem for them, then repeat.
An alternative strategy, especially for those just starting out, is this: Promote others’ work to get noticed.
Share work from those you admire, who align with your product. Be the champion of your users. Allow others to take the stage on your own platform.
Jack Butcher built his business on this strategy. He started Visualize Value, a creative source of wisdom and motivation, by posting visual quotes from people he admires on Twitter. His page slowly grew, and his business did with it.
“In retrospect, this idea could be called ‘reverse influence,’” said Butcher in an article reflecting on his business journey. “If you want a shot at more exposure: Make other people look good. Give yourself the job of a remote, unpaid design intern for anyone you admire.”
In doing so, you cast your net wider.
Share your platform with someone who has a large following of their own and they may retweet you, reaching a whole new audience of like-minded people.
Promote someone who faithfully uses your product, and they will be all the more loyal – the makings of a brand advocate.
Become a resource of quality, curated content, content that naturally ties back to what you do, and your product or offering will fit seamlessly into that conversation, when the time is right.